This package is now a part of PEAR
A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager. Use this tool as a quick alternative to writing a php script to create or edit your package xml files. The tool uses a series of menus and questions and passes the information on to PEAR_PackageFileManager. There are, however, some limitations to this tool.
- The minimum PHP version cannot be automatically determined. PHP_Compat does not work properly with PEAR_PackageFileManager and only detects PHP dependency based on functions and not language constructs.
- This tool does not yet support adding & removing selected files from the filelist.
To run this tool you should be able to just execute pfm from the command line.
Creating a Package File
If you are creating a new package file, the tool will ask you a series of questions to fulfil the necessary components:
[dave@beethoven PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli]$ pfm
PEAR Package File Manager Command Line Tool
Please enter the location of your package [.]*:
Creating a new package file ...
Enter the base install directory*: PEAR/PackageFileManager
Enter the name of the package [PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli]*:
Channel or URI based package? [c] (c,u)*:
Enter the name of the channel []*:
Enter a 1 line summary*: A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager
Enter a description* (2 blank lines to finish):
A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager.
Use this tool as a quick alternative to creating and editing you package.xml files.
Enter the release version*: 0.1.0
Enter the API version [0.1.0]*:
Choose a release stability [alpha] (alpha,beta,stable)*:
Choose an API stability [alpha] (alpha,beta,stable)*:
Enter any release notes* (2 blank lines to finish):
Initial Release
Enter the minimum PHP version [5]*:
Enter the minimum PEAR Installer version [1.4.0]*:
Please choose a license from one of the following options
1) Apache
2) BSD Style
4) MIT
5) PHP
Please choose an option: 3
How many maintainers?*: 1
What type of maintainer is #1? [lead] (lead,developer,contributor,helper)*:
Enter maintainer #1's name*: David Sanders
Enter maintainer #1's username [shangxiao]*:
Enter maintainer #1's email []*:
PEAR Package File Manager Command Line Tool
1. Package name [PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli]
2. Channel/URI [Channel:]
3. Summary [A command line interface to PEAR_Pack...]
4. Description [A command line interface to PEAR_Pack...]
5. Maintainers
6. Version [Release: 0.1.0 API: 0.1.0]
7. Stability [Release: alpha API: alpha]
8. License [LGPL]
9. Notes [Initial Release]
10. Dependencies
11. Tasks
12. Regenerate contents
13. Echo package file to stdout
14. Save & Quit
15. Quit without saving (ctrl-c)
Please choose an option from the menu:
Editing a Package File
When editing an existing package file, the tool will ask you to choose a baseinstalldir to use as the default. It will then proceed to the main menu.
[dave@beethoven PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli]$ pfm
PEAR Package File Manager Command Line Tool
Please enter the location of your package [.]*:
Enter the base install directory
1) PEAR/PackageFileManager
Please choose an option: 1
PEAR Package File Manager Command Line Tool
1. Package name [PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli]
2. Channel/URI [Channel:]
3. Summary [A command line interface to PEAR_Pack...]
4. Description [A command line interface to PEAR_Pack...]
5. Maintainers
6. Version [Release: 0.1.0 API: 0.1.0]
7. Stability [Release: alpha API: alpha]
8. License [LGPL]
9. Notes [Initial Release]
10. Dependencies
11. Tasks
12. Regenerate contents
13. Echo package file to stdout
14. Save & Quit
15. Quit without saving (ctrl-c)
Please choose an option from the menu: